A Memoriam for Alva Earley is now posted in the 'Alva Earley Stories' in the menu on the left.
Please post birthday wishes on the 'Birthday Wishes' tab.
Use the 'Classmate Discussion Forum' to post and discuss items of interest, etc.
It has been suggested that a prayer chain be started for our class. Lowell Peterson, a retired United Methodist pastor, has volunteered to help with this. For information, see the ‘Prayer Chain Request’ tab on the left.
A new item has been added on the left: Budget School Newspaper. Many thanks to Mike Wald for submitting all these issues of our school newspaper!
Checks for our scholarship need to be made out to: Galesburg Public Schools Foundation, NOT Class of 59 Memorial Scholarship, as previously indicated. Class of 59 Memorial Scholarship can be indicated in the memo line, if desired.
Scholarship info has been added to the menu on the left.
Classmates can now upload photos to the Photo Gallery. Try it out, but use common sense!