Email from Janis Henshaw:
It is true that Doug did pass on 4/11/18. He had been diagnosed with brain cancer, glioblastoma, in early July of 2011.
July 12 of 2011 he had brain surgery to remove most of his left-frontal lobe, followed by radiation and oral chemo. He did really well until mid-2014 when he had to go another round of intensive radiation. Then by October of of that year, it was advised that he have IV chemo.
IV chemo was discontinued in June of 2016 because of several MRI reports that there had been no progression.
MRI reports kept coming back showing no change, until one taken in mid-October of 2017. Though inconclusive, we (our family) were seeing signs that were familiar to just before his original diagnosis. By January of this year another MRI indicated it had indeed progressed.
We were able to keep him at home with the support of hospice. Our two daughters and our son and daughter-in-love were with him as he passed, peacefully and without pain.
We had a Celebration of Doug’s Life on July 28 at our home. It was beautiful! One of Galesburg’s own was able to join us … Gary Hix!
You may use this information for the GHS class of 1959. I can be reached with the email address you used, or by mail to: Janis Henshaw, 2390 W. Polo Green Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854.
Thank you, Dale
Ruth Ann Burke (Steele)
I am so saddened to read of the passing of such a nice person-----I remember Doug from grade school I send the deepest of condolances to his wife, children and friends. The world was a much better place with him in it.
Ruth Ann Steele(Burke)
Frank Hill
I was saddened to hear of Doug's passing. He was a gentle soul. What courage he had to endure surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. I wish they would have discovered DNA, and the promise of gene therapy for glioblastoma, and other diseases, when we were in high school. as he would probably still be with us today. But, as far as I know, we don't have a say as to when we come into this world and don't have much say about when we leave. We can only hope we are blessed with good health and loved ones throughout our lives. Doug, we will see you and our other departed classmates, by and by.
"Death ends a life, not a relationship" - Robert Benchley.
Dale Grupe
An email from Gary Hix:
Vern Dargel
Doug, I followed you all over the U.S. & thanks in part to your friend Gary Hix, I finally found you in Post Falls, Idaho. I always thought you were a great friend as you were a person with whom I could be myself. I don't know which of us was the other's shadow, but we seemed to be close a lot of the time. I greatly admired your folks, & would surely like to go small game hunting 1 more time with you & your dad. Great man. Even tho I wasn't able to contact you via E-mail except through your wife, I still have many good memories, & they are a source of joy & strength in hard times. All is well here. Vern
Judy Buck (Shotts Cornett)
My heart was touched while reading the memories shared by Frank, Gary, and Vern this morning. Your true friendship with Doug was something to be cherished. I did not know Doug, but you brought him to life for me through your words. Thanks for sharing.
Jennefer Wetherford (Eldert)
SO SORRY for Doug’s family & friends loosing him!! We never know what life is going to be or dying. My son, 41 yrs old, had been ifighting Cancer since March 2017! He’s now living with me as the chemo/radiation didn’t work. I went to live with him in CA for 16 months, thinking, at the time, I would be there for 3-4 months!! He’s now starting a study at Carle Foundation Hospital in Champaign, IL Mill’s Cancer Center (Bob & Sandy Mills build!! He has his first infusion on TUES!! We are praying this will “stop” the cancer. The pain is unbearable! PAIN, is the worst part as meds help but will always be there. I know what it’s lije to watch your loved one “suffer “ it’s as though you are suffering with them.PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU🙏🙏