In response to Kay (Georgette) Eave Carroll's mindset re: Eddie Padilla, I am one more to have had many laughs & good times with Eddie. I am saddened by his untimely slow & painful death (as I understand it, and I'm open for correction.) Eddie was a positive variable in my HS experiences. Vern Dargel
Kaye (Georgette) Eaves (Carroll)
Eddie was a good friend and a hard worker. We shared many laughs together thru the years, and he was always the same great guy!
Vern Dargel
In response to Kay (Georgette) Eave Carroll's mindset re: Eddie Padilla, I am one more to have had many laughs & good times with Eddie. I am saddened by his untimely slow & painful death (as I understand it, and I'm open for correction.) Eddie was a positive variable in my HS experiences. Vern Dargel